Salah-Eddine Kadi2024-10-02 Excellents instruments fabriqués par Sylvain ! Suivi sympathique et professionnel. J'utilise le Silent Oud parfois sans ampli (ou avec un casque) afin de ne pas déranger mon voisinage et jouer tard à tout moment. Merci encore. Excellent instruments made by Sylvain! Friendly and professional service. I sometimes use the Silent Oud without an amp (or with headphones) so as not to disturb my neighbours and to play late at any time. Thanks again for your help. Lionel Bardeau2024-09-29 Sylvain est un véritable passionné. Je recherchais un Oud de voyage et suis naturellement tombé sur son modèle Sylent Oud. Après échanges avec Sylvain pour comprendre mon besoin, il a aussi pris soin d'être de bon conseil pour une fabrication sur mesure. Le Oud reçu est juste superbe, vous n'achetez pas juste un instrument sur catalogue mais un véritable instrument créé pour vous par un luthier ayant le soin du détail et pas avare de conseils. Une belle expérience que je ne peux que conseiller. Encore merci Sylvain saad mneimneh2024-09-28 Sylvain’s hand made instruments are unique and the product of thoughtful designs and long hours of meticulous work. I got the Sylent oud, which not only is fun to play, but also has an interesting character that blends traditional design with a modern look. Sylvain was very attentive to detail and customization based on my needs. He was willing to experiment and determine the best options. He is very responsive to any concern and he genuinely wants people to enjoy their instruments. Most electric ouds can’t achieve the compactness and the sound that Sylvain can produce. He is a great pioneer and a thinker, in addition to being a musician. Roberto Gabrielli2024-09-27 Even though I am a luthier, I preferred that my silent oud was built by Sylvain because I think I would never have been able to build an excellent instrument like the one he sent me. Because he is specialized in this and has the knowledge and art necessary to build perfect instruments. I also made some small changes, but more for my personal preferences, such as raising the strings a little more on the bridge bone, because I believe that they should not be sunk too much into the notches but should protrude for a third of the diameter. I also slightly distanced the C and G choirs because I do not like the slight squeaking that they make when rubbing against each other. But these are very small things that I changed only because of my obsessions as a luthier. For the rest I only have to thank Sylvain for this instrument that is giving me splendid satisfaction. Dany2024-09-27 Un grand merci à Sylvain pour son travail de qualité. Des échanges à la livraison, et même au sav, c'est impeccable. Le monde du oud est particulier, en trouver de bonne facture n'est pas aisé. Que ça soit sur la finesse de la lutherie ou la jouabilité, le oud moon que j'ai commandé est unique. Parfait pour bosser en silence, je l'amplifie peu, mais la palette de nuances possibles grâce à l'EQ présent est intéressante. Ce oud ne remplace bien entendu pas un oud classique, c'est différent, un monde à part, mais un très joli monde. Encore merci Sylvain ! Et chapeau ! Abderrafei LAHRACH2024-09-26 Un très beau travail, un Aoud exceptionnel, Aoud commandé et bien reçu, un grand merci à Sylvain pour la perfection et pour le suivi Un grand merci de Maldives là où tu es ! Dorian Saxophone2024-09-26 Super pro, super gentils! N’hésitez pas! Mohamed ARAB2024-09-26 Sylvain est un professionnel de qualité que j’ai découvert par hasard alors que je cherchais un oud électrique ! Ses conseils ont été précieux et décisifs pour mon choix. Il a su cerner rapidement ma demande et m’a conçu un oud de qualité répondant à mes attentes et m’a fait participer aux différentes étapes de la fabrication de l’instrument ! Je le recommande sans hésiter pour la qualité de son travail et son sérieux. Maxime EVEN2024-09-26 I've had my Sylent Oud for over 6 months now and it is an absolute joy to play. Sylvain was fantastic to deal with from start to finish. Throughout the entire process Sylvain was clear. He communicated openly, sent regular updates and delivered exactly on time and on specs. I could not have asked for a better customer experience. I wholeheartedly recommend SBD Projects for your next instrument. Eolya2024-09-26 Un travail incroyable avec une écoute authentique, je ne peux que recommander le talent de Sylvain !!!

Orientalized luthiery
Sylvain Bouancheau Dugast has been playing music for 20 years and is passionate about Mediterranean cultures. It is after several trips to Morocco, Tunisia, Greece, Turkey… that he meets many oud luthiers, the starting point for a reflection between travel and traditional music.
Based in Rezé city, south of Nantes, he designs custom-made musical instruments in CAD to satisfy creative and travel-sensitive musicians. What is its objective? Make music more accessible.
The oud is the starting point of the SBD workshop. Internationally recognized for its innovative designs, SBD has interpreted the traditional oud in many ways. Sylent-oud / Oud moon / Oud EZ … New sounds between innovation and aesthetics.

We can hear the words: “The world of reality has its limits, the world of imagination has no borders”. Custom musical instruments are an inexhaustible source of inspiration. Sylvain BD listens to your ideas to make them real and vibrant.

Several artists have chosen Sylvain Bouancheau Dugast’s instruments for their concerts, tours and recordings. Here are some of them:
To each his own Sylent-oud! Depending on your habits and wishes, you will find here some relevant ideas to make the most of this original musical instrument. Travel mode kit, wireless kit, rose rose…